Thanks to the deep freezing function of the LIFE blast chiller you are able to prepare high quality sautéed vegetables in a vegetable stock
Thanks to the deep freezing function of the LIFE blast chiller you are able to prepare high quality sautéed vegetables in a vegetable stock
It is a fantastic dish for the summer months, and now thanks to the LIFE blast chiller it is possible to deep freeze it, making it available throughout the year, even when courgettes are not in season.
Baked vegetables are a colourful and tasty side dish for accompanying a main course of meat, fish, rice or cous cous. Chill with the LIFE blast chiller immediately after cooking to preserve their crunchy taste and their original nutritious properties
Thanks to the LIFE blast chiller you will also be able to deep freeze them, and because of the process of micro-crystalisation they will remain edible, even at the very low temperatures.